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Located on either side of the face, in front of the ears, the parotid glands are a pair of glands that help produce the saliva you use for chewing and digestion. Any abnormal growths within the glands are called parotid tumors. While most parotid tumors are slow-growing and benign, some are malignant and fast-growing. All parotid tumors should be removed to prevent further complications. If you suffer from firm, painless swelling in an area near the parotid glands, or have difficulty moving one side of your face, your doctor may perform an X-ray test to determine the location of any parotid tumors. See your doctor or health care provider if you have pain while chewing, or if you notice a lump in your mouth or neck that does not go away within two to three weeks.

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The goal of treating parotid tumors is to remove the growth and prevent more serious complications from developing. The most common treatment method for parotid tumors is a parotidectomy. During this procedure, a surgeon will remove all or part of the affected parotid gland. It is very important to remove tumors soon after they are discovered; untreated tumors will continue to grow and become more difficult to remove, the larger they are.