Chronic Sinusitis: Overview

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Chronic sinusitis is one of the most frequently diagnosed chronic conditions, affecting millions of people each year. Sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses become inflamed and swollen. Swollen sinuses are not able to properly drain, causing sufferers to experience pain, tenderness and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose and forehead. In cases of chronic sinusitis, these symptoms may last for more than twelve weeks, or they may recur regularly. Cases of chronic sinusitis often have underlying causes such as nasal polyps, a deviated septum, or allergies, and treating the underlying cause can help to address sinusitis symptoms. If your sinusitis symptoms last longer than two weeks, your doctor will be able to recommend tests and treatments to diagnose and address the underlying causes of your condition.

Chronic Sinusitis: Treatment Overview

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The goal of treating chronic sinusitis is to address the underlying cause of the infections, and reduce the number and severity of flare-ups you experience. If the problem is caused by a nasal obstruction, such as a deviated septum, your doctor may recommend surgery to correct or remove the obstruction. If allergies are causing chronic symptoms, immunotherapy may be used to gradually reduce the severity of allergic reactions. For more immediate relief, sufferers can treat the symptoms of sinusitis at home by getting adequate rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter cold relief medications can also be used to reduce the severity of symptoms. In some cases, antibiotics or steroids are prescribed in order to treat the chronic infection. Your doctor can recommend further steps you should take to reduce the symptoms of chronic sinusitis.