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Over a half million people consult with a facial plastic surgeon every year regarding the aesthetics and functionality of their nose. As a significantly prominent feature of the face, the look and function of the nose can greatly impact self image and quality of life. There are numerous reasons for undergoing a Rhinoplasty procedure, and your doctor can assist in the decision making process. The nose is a complex structure of skin, bone, cartilage, and muscle containing internal respiratory membrane, and olfactory senses covered by the outer skin of the face.

A Rhinoplasty procedure is designed to improve appearance, while preserving or repairing nasal function. In endonasal rhinoplasty (so called closed rhinoplasty) the incisions are primarily within the nose. In open (or external) rhinoplasty, the incisions inside the nose can be similar but are connected across the skin between the nostrils. This creates a flap of skin that can be elevated to visualize the bones and cartilages of the nose in their native state. Small amounts of underlying bone or cartilage may be removed, added to, or rearranged to provide new nasal structure. For example, the surgeon can remove excess bone and cartilage to reduce a hump, or trim and reposition cartilage and bone to narrow the nose. If the tip of the nose is too large, the surgeon can sculpt the cartilage in this area to reduce it in size. Small incisions may also be made on each side of the nose where the nostril joins the face to reduce flaring nostrils, or high up on the side of the nose to help reshape the bones. The angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip can be altered as well, for a more youthful look or to correct a distortion. Cartilage grafts may be added to improve the profile or add definition to the nasal tip, especially in noses with thicker skin. Once the procedure is complete, a splint is applied externally and sometimes also internally. These aid in the healing process, while maintaining the new shape of the nose. Follow up care is essential to monitor the healing process.

Rhinoplasty is typically not a very painful procedure. A certain amount of bruising and swelling is normal, but usually recedes within the first ten to fourteen days. Even though it only takes a few weeks for the swelling and bruising to subside, it can take up to 18 months to attain the final result. Complementary procedures, such as chin augmentation or reduction, liposuction and tightening of the neck, or blepharoplasty, may be performed at the same time to achieve a more balanced and youthful look.

You may want to discuss these procedures with your surgeon. A good rapport between patient and surgeon is essential for realistic expectations, and best results from your procedure.