Nasal surgery can basally be divided into 3 parts ie surgery of the nasal septum (Septoplasty), surgery of the inferior turbinate (Turbinoplasty) and sinus surgery (F.E.S.S.). A point to remember is that that problems of the inferior turbinate and the sinus can on numerous occasions be treated with medication and thus avoiding surgery. A deviated nasal septum can only be rectified by doing a septoplasty.

We educate and show you which part or parts of your nose are affected when consulting us.

We always opt for a trial of medical therapy whenever possible and only resort to surgery if necessary.

We follow the cardinal rule of minimal surgery for maximal effect to restore the nose to it’s normal condition.

We do not need to pack the nose as bleeding is minimal and thus post-operative downtime (1-2 days) even when doing complex sinus surgery and no horror stories of having packs removed from the nose a day or two after surgery.