There has been a change in the functioning of the ENT Clinic in the era of COVID-19 until we develop herd immunity or a vaccine is available.
During MCO , we shall be seeing only urgent case like pain in ear, nose or throat, swellings of head and neck, bleeding from nose, severe giddiness, severe breathing difficulties, foreign body stuck in ear, nose or throat etc

Post MCO life will not be the same as the COVID-19 is just not going to disappear and is here to stay. We will gradually start seeing all cases which we used to do so pre-MCO but in a gradual phase over a period of weeks and maybe months.

Build up or keep up your own immunity levels all the time by

  1. taking adequate vitamins esp C and antioxidants – preferably plant based and natural
  2. being well hydrated
  3. sleeping enough – wake up without using alarm so that body gets enough slee
  4. exercising daily about 30 minutes – alternate cardio with resistance exercise and also some exercise to maintain flexibility
  5. keeping stress levels as low as possible

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