Sleep Apnea is a major health disorder which can give rise to a myriad of complications and almost any organ in the body is affected to some extent with the brain and the heart being the most vulnerable to the fluctuations of drop in oxygen level when the patient stops breathing in between the snoring episodes. There are two main options for its treatment and CPAP which is the non-surgical option is generally not acceptable to a significant number of patients and the usage after purchasing it is between 50-70% only and even then not on a daily basis. Sleep apnea surgery definitely works and the patient must be made aware that surgery does indeed work and the driving force for making this video was the false misconception out there that there is no other option or that the surgical option does not work. Surgery definitely does work but will only work if it is tailored to address the specific areas which affect the patient’s breathing passage. In this short video I hope to make you understand the science behind snoring and sleep apnea and also show you what is necessary for a successful surgical outcome.